Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"It is with a word as with an arrow -- once you let it loose it does not return."
Source Unknown

Tonight I am tired. My mind refuses to be occupied by the silly computer games I am attempting to pass the time with, and instead keeps wondering and thinking of off the wall thoughts.
One thought that stuck out to me was this...what if I were suddenly infected with a disease that made it impossible to hold back from saying the things I am thinking? I admit that it would be nice to finally be able to tell some people what I really think of them, or let them know how their words and actions affected me.

But for the most part, how harmful this disease would be. Because, although we don't like to admit it, these not-nice thoughts invade our minds even about people we love and cherish. Our impatience gets the better of us and we silently wish they'd get their act together. Or maybe something about a person's appearance needs improvement. Normally we would bite back the negative comments and find something positive to compliment this person on. But, no! When infected with this disease, you are suddenly telling this person all the ugly, distasteful, scornful things about themselves.

Now, let's turn the tables for a moment. Imagine everyone you know has this same disease. They can't hold back the nasty comments rolling around in their heads. I picture the sky filling up with dark, rolling clouds that choke out the sun, and people's faces drawing into perpetual frowns.

I suppose now the proper thing to do would be to imagine yourself being infected by, shall we say, the love bug. The nice things you notice about others, the sweet things you are normally too embarrassed to say are now drawn out of you and vocalized. Can you see the recipient's face? The joy that spreads across the face of one you have just said wonderful, unexpected things about. This paints a picture of bright blue skies, rainbows, butterflies and unicorns. Silly!

My point is this: our words matter. Our words really do have the power to build up a person, or destroy them. We bring hope, and dash it away, just by opening our mouths and saying what's in our hearts.

What will you be saying (and thinking) today?

Proverbs 15:4:

Gentle words are a tree of life;
a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.


  1. It's amazing how much difference words make, even the words of a small child. Or the words I speak to myself inside my head. Thank you for the reminder!

  2. loved this. "may the words of my mouth bless your name, Jesus."

  3. Very true. Our words can do a lot of damage. But they can also bring so much healing and love. Hope I am communicating well with others.


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