Thursday, August 12, 2010

Words to a Baby

I was reading back through the journal I have kept for and about DS1. I started it when I was about 3 months pregnant with him. What amazed me was 1)How often I wrote in it before he was born. Shouldn't be so surprised since I was at home all day w/ no one to take care of. 2)How much of it probably won't mean much to anyone but me and possibly him as he gets older. 3)Almost every entry mentions something about how fast he is growing, or "I can't believe you're already ____ months old." or something like that.

Now, I know it really won't mean as much to anyone else, but I thought I'd share a few of the sweeter tidbits from here and there.

May 4, 2005: You are so wonderful. My life revolves around you. I constantly am waiting for your next movement, anticipating what new foods will cause you to do, and enjoying feeling you play hide-and-seek with everyone. No one but your daddy has been able to feel you.

May 14, 2005: I'm so anxious for you to get here. I wish they could do a c-section this week, just so I can have you. But you still have 8 weeks left. I know it will go by fast, and that is my only consolation.

September 16, 2006: I love you so much. Every day my heart just fills with more and more love for you. I can't believe how much love I have for you. You are my Sweetheart, my "Booger," my big boy. You are so cute and adorable. I love watching you sleep in the car. Your cheeks all cute and chubby, and your lips pooch out.

October 25, 2006: I have to keep telling myself, "I do love my kids, I do, I do..." Oh, there are days, like today, when I want to pull my hair out. Both you and DS2 have been pills. And you with your new found attitude. It drives me crazy!

March 12, 2010: Oh, what a character you are! You are 4 1/2 now, and full of your own opinions and thoughts. You are inquisitive and a good leader. I read somewhere recently that preschoolers ask an average of 75 questions an hour---and you seem determined to prove that!

July 14, 2010: Well, no longer are you 4. You have had your 5th birthday, and you are really embracing the self proclaimed idea that being 5 means you get special privileges. We are having to remind you constantly that you are still a child and you do still have to follow the rules and be nice.........You are so excited for all the wonderful adventures that life holds for you. One that comes to mind is losing your teeth. On your birthday you felt your teeth, then exclaimed "I'm not 5 yet! My teeth aren't wiggly!"

I have really enjoyed keeping journals for my 3 kids. It is a challenge to keep up with them. But it is so rewarding and special to be able to look back at how much they, and I, have changed. To see how I felt about what was going on at the time, to read the words of wisdom and insight I try to pass on to them. To see how many words they have said by certain points, or what new milestone they were reaching. It brings back so many memories.

I would really encourage anyone out there to try this. To keep a journal for each of your children. You can use any format you want, any content you want. Maybe it will be full of facts and milestones. Maybe Bible verses. Maybe you will write it as a letter, or maybe just a list of what happened that day. Any way you choose to do it, you will cherish it, and your child will adore you for it (when they are old enough to appreciate it!).

How wonderful to not let these moments disappear in the past. But to preserve the ups and downs, to glean our own wisdom someday in the future. I am so excited for the day I can hand this journal to my son, and maybe even watch him as he reads. I would love to talk with him, and remember each day with him. To see how far we've come. And to dream about what is next.


  1. I'm so glad you are still journaling for the kids. Remember the one year I did it for you three? I so wish I had done more, it's a great way to connect and pass on a part of yourself. Your kids will LOVE it someday. Just don't give them to them before they are old enough to appreciate it.


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