Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our School Room

This month I am linking up with Heart of the Matter Online for their "Not Back To School Blog Hop." Each week focuses on a different aspect of homeschooling (curriculum, school room, students, and scheduling), and bloggers are encouraged to link up their personal blogs, and then read what everyone else has blogged about also. Mariposa Mom saw more traffic last week than ever before, and it has been wonderful to read all the comments left by fellow homeschooling moms.

This week the focus is our school rooms. Right now, our little family will be using our dining room table as our desks. Each boy gets half the table. I'm sure we'll do a lot of reading on the couches, but it's so much easier to write sitting at a table or desk, I imagine most of our time will be spent there.
We have a mid-height long 6 drawer "dresser" by the table which houses our supplies. I need to still clear out some of my books and things from a few drawers so I'll have somewhere to keep our curriculum when the rest of it gets here.

When we move to our new house, we will have a separate family room, 1/2 of which will be made into our school area. We have desks already, and bookshelves, so we are pretty much set to go when we move. I will be able to decorate it like a classroom, have more space for projects and things, and just have a more permanent location for things. I can't wait! We even have a mini desk for our almost 2 year old daughter.


  1. I cant wait to see what your finished room looks like. The table works though we always end up there =)

  2. Thank you for sharing!! Happy Homeschooling and see you around the Blog HoP! ;)

  3. I like the big window and all the light! Hope you have a great year!

  4. I bet you can't wait for that school room! But I guess the nice thing about homeschooling is you can just do it anywhere! Have a great year!


  5. That is awesome that you will have a new room! I bet you are excited. I hope you will show pictures when it is done. :)


  6. I love having a room dedicated to school, and I know you will too. But until then, you've done a great job of making use of the space you have. That's what it's all about - flexibility! Hope you have a great week!

  7. Looks very neat, and nice that you can gather together!

  8. I have wanted a round table!

  9. We created a school room and we still use the dining room and living room. We start there at just seems more natural to us.

    I wish you luck with the new house!

  10. I love that cozy little area. We have a school room...but, it's mainly a 'landing' spot for our books...the kids generally branch off to the kitche/dining room/outside or bedrooms.....Love your sweet blog!

  11. We do lots of reading on the couch too :)

  12. This is exciting! I look forward to hearing how it goes this year!

  13. We did school at our dining room table for a long time. How exciting that you'll be getting a larger space soon though.


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