Friday, January 21, 2011


"To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action until the goal is reached. The key is action."
Michael Hanson

A good friend of mine challenged her blog readers recently to adopt a "word of the year." I have been pondering this for a while and think I may have come across a word that fits.


C- Change. Change my attitude. Change my bad habits. Change the basic way I view things in life. In a sense taking off one set of glasses and putting on a new set. One that sees the good in people first, appreciates the smaller things in life.

A- Accept. Accept and love who I am. Accept others as who they are. Accept the place I am in right now as God's will for me. Accept the good things that are coming my way.

R- Relationships. I want to build upon the ones already in place in my life. I want to sow into the lives of my friends, spend more time with my family, and grow deeper in love with my husband.

E- Encourage. I want and need to make a conscious effort to be positive and say uplifting words. I want to focus on building people up, and help them feel valued and loved.

So that's it in a (not so small) nutshell. Care about God. Care about myself. Care about my family. Care about my friends. Care about others I may come in contact with. Lord let me be a caring, accepting, encouraging person.

Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.
- Princess Diana


  1. Great post Kei! I love that: CARE.

  2. Wonderful! I love that you chose a word and how clever to choose a word that is also an acronym, so you can squeeze in even more meaning to your intent for 2011!

    Thanks for sharing. Love it!

  3. Great word, Kei! You've thought it out very well, and I like how each letter has further meaning for you. More great quotes, too!


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