Saturday, November 6, 2010


Each of us has an inner dream that we can unfold if we will just have the courage to admit what it is. And the faith to trust our own admission. The admitting is often very difficult. ~Julia Cameron

Just think: each person you see, each life on the other end of the phone line, each silhouette in the distance; every person alive today has a dream. Just ponder that thought for a moment. What does that mean?

Search within yourself and find what it is you dream of. Is it something that can be held? Is it a state of mind? Is it based on memory or frivolity? What would it take to see this dream realized? Do you feel the desire building to see this vision come to pass?

Now, picture something else for me. In your mind's eye, look at your best friend. Your high school English teacher. Your boss. Your child's best friend's mom (who doesn't give you the time of day). Your spouse. What do you see? Do you see someone you would like to be? Maybe you can't stand the person, or perhaps you'd just as soon forget you'd ever met them.
Each and every one of these people you have pictured in your mind are just like you in one aspect: they have dreams. They have hopes of accomplishing something amazing. Writing a book. Being a star. Ending world hunger. Raising a family.

Perhaps if we could all step beyond ourselves and our own lofty ambitions and selfish goals, and learn to see each of our fellow human beings for what they really are (dreamers like ourselves), we would begin to see a decrease in loneliness, self-hatred, and isolation. If we were to come along side one another and make a pledge to help fulfill the dreams of our neighbor, what an amazingly joyful world we would live in! There would be fulfilled dreams of all shapes and sizes: marriages would be saved, our church ministries would be able to touch the lives of millions, we may actually see the end of world hunger, the American Dream would become a reality again.

Begin to look at the people you come in contact with as dreamers. You may be at the checkout stand and the cashier seems to be having a bad day. Is it their dream to work at a grocery store all day? Are they fulfilled? What can you do? As we approach the holidays and are in frequent contact with close friends and family, begin to look beyond the faces you know and love, and ponder what silent dream they may be holding inside.

I dare you to begin taking steps to make your dream a reality. What would it take? Is it worth it? How bad do you really want it? And...what are you waiting for?

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.